Dungeon Master Books, Diceless Roleplaying Games and TTRPG Tools to enhance your gaming sessions.
There will be 6 Game Masters participating for 2 weeks each.
The Game Master will run through a pre-set adventure module, where they are given the module 1 week BEFORE they run the game.
For 2 hours they run the game and at the end of the session, the players – 4 random players and Guy, will fill in the GM Scoresheet.
The Game Master will then learn of their score for that session, with possible areas to improve upon.
In the next week, the same Game Master returns with a second module to run and with the hope of improving on their previous score. The same process occurs with different players.
Their original score card is now compared to the new score card hoping for an improvement in certain areas.
The Goal is for the GM to learn and grow in a safe space and for others to do the same.
Update 3 May 2021: All available booking slots are filled
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