role-playing fantasy dungeon master

Game Master PC Knight

All You Need To Make The Ultimate Campaign Plot…Err Plan

This week, we're using our NPC trick that we learnt last week to actually start [...]

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Game Master GM Wanderer PC Knight Player Character

Miniatures – Why You Should Be Using Them in Your TTRPGs

Miniatures! Regardless of your preferred roleplaying system - DnD, Pathfinder or Warhammer - miniatures can [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

6 Steps for Fleshing Out Your RPG Character | Player Tips

Today we do a deep dive into the idea of fleshing out your roleplaying character. [...]

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PC Acolyte PC Knight PC Lord Player Character

The 8 Character Personality Types – How To Master Them & Have Fun

What type of player character do you enjoy playing in your RPG, and does it [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

Why You Should Ask Questions Out of the Game

We take a look at asking questions out of the game (after the game) to [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

What Monster are You?

We look at what kind of monster represents your role-playing style and how their characteristics [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

How You Can Keep Your Party Together

We take a look at how you can keep your party together, and not all [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

How to Make Leveling Up Your Character Feel Epic

Your character just leveled up, and is 5 times more stronger, and can wield deadlier [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

Why Your Character Should be God Fearing

We take a look at why, how and why your character should be God-fearing, and [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

How to Create a Likable Character

Making a likeable character essentially makes your character liked by other PCs and NPCs in [...]

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PC Knight Player Character

3 Ways You Can Own Your Characters Race

We take a look at how you can own the race of your character by [...]

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