Author Archives: Web Goblin

The Fear of Being the GM – How To Overcome It

In this week's video, we are talking about the things that make us afraid to [...]

Creating The Perfect Name For Your RPG Character

Creating names for your roleplaying characters is always very tricky. It can be really difficult [...]

6 Steps for Fleshing Out Your RPG Character | Player Tips

Today we do a deep dive into the idea of fleshing out your roleplaying character. [...]

Crafting a Strong RPG Character Backstory – 5 Questions to Consider

It can be tricky for RPG players to create an awesome backstory that works for [...]

5 Things to Consider When Adding Criminal Organisations in your RPG

Ever wanted a criminal organisation in your tabletop roleplaying game? We take a look at [...]

GM Preparation: How To Make The Most Of It

What do you as the GM spend most of your time on in the planning [...]

Why Your RPG Game is a Joke & How To Fix it

Have you found that your RPG campaign starts off seriously, and then ends up descending [...]


With restrictions in the UK slowly lifting, there seems to be a feeling of slowly [...]

Creating a Mini-Campaign For Any TTRPG

So you want to create your own RPG campaign but the task of creating a [...]

Being Inclusive in Your RPG’s – Is It Necessary?

With this month being Gay Pride month, I asked myself, "What does gay pride and [...]