Top 10: Best RPG Campaign Starters

Starting a campaign? Maybe its time to try something different than an Inn... These are [...]

Beware The Silent Roleplaying Game Killer! – GM Tips

The silent game killer: pace. Where games can either fly by in fun, or become [...]

How to Make Magic Items That are Awesome

Magic items should be magical and unique, but how do we go about as a [...]

How To Maximise Your NPCs as a Game Master

You have 100s of NPCs but how do we make the most of them in [...]

3 Ways To Improve Your Player Character Game Immensely

3 simple things can really improve your player character game immensely, and why if you [...]

Quick Guide on How to Fix Your Plot Holes – GM Tips

Plot Holes or plot opportunity in our view! Are great opportunities for you to create [...]

Building a Multi-Level Dungeon That’s Not Annoying

Thinking of making a multi-level dungeon? We will show you how to making a level [...]

Does D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros Suck? Honest DM Reaction

We take a first look at the latest book from Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons [...]

How to Introduce a new player to Role-playing

So how does one introduce someone to the world of role-playing? is it a simple [...]

Nat 20’s: You are using them Wrong!

Natural 20s, or critical success, we look at how you as a Game Master can [...]