Why Your Character Should be God Fearing

We take a look at why, how and why your character should be God-fearing, and [...]

Character Injury – How to Role Play it

We take a look at how you can add and integrate a injury on your [...]

How to Create a Likable Character

Making a likeable character essentially makes your character liked by other PCs and NPCs in [...]

My Favorite Player Characters I have Created

These are my favorite player characters I have made for ttrpg role playing and why [...]

How To Ensure your Character Fits into Your Party

We take a look at how you can ensure that your character fits within your [...]

The Easy way to a Retro-Backstory for your character

We look at how you can create a retro-backstory for your character and how you [...]

3 Ways You Can Own Your Characters Race

We take a look at how you can own the race of your character by [...]

Is Magic in TTRPGs Broken?

Magic is something that is awesome and wonderful, but having it in your game can [...]


Why Player Characters who are royalty, can be a bad idea

So your player character wants to be a lord, noble or even the king themselves, [...]

More Than One Big-Bad End Game Nemesis

We unpack whether you need more than one nemesis, more than one big bad end-game [...]